

研究生部今收到纽约大学邮件,提示本次申请截止日期为229,请有意向前往纽约大学学习相关课程的研究生抓紧时间提交申请材料。有兴趣的同学可查询网站http://specialprograms.tisch.nyu.edu/page/studyabroad.html ,或致电 212-998-1500





The application deadline for all Tisch fall and summer study abroad programs is Wednesday, February 29.
The fall and summer programs are open to non-Tisch NYU students and visiting students. Programs of study include 35 mm filmmaking, performing Shakespeare, playwriting, television production, sound production, dance, photography, producing, and theatre training in commedia, as well as self-scripting and creating original work.

If anyone interested in the fall or summer abroad programs, please direct them to http://specialprograms.tisch.nyu.edu/page/studyabroad.html. They may also call us at 212-998-1500.

Office ofSpecialProgramsTischSchool of the Arts
721 Broadway, 12th FloorNew York, NY10003

